The Comprehensive Guide to Reporting Batteries

Do I need to report lead-acid batteries under EPCRA? Do I need to report lithium-ion batteries under HMBP? What about inventory levels and state or county thresholds? If you’re asking yourself any of these questions, the Comprehensive Guide to Reporting Batteries has the answers, and will help you understand the lifecycle, safe handling, and reporting for lead-acid and lithium-ion batteries under EPCRA Tier II/SARA/HMBP.

Get the guide to learn:

  • Whether or not you need to report lead-acid or lithium-ion batteries
  • The different between mixture and component reporting
  • About guidance for emerging battery chemistries like EV and Solar

Download the Guide

Sponsored by Encamp:

Encamp lets you easily manage your facility compliance data, tasks, reporting, submissions, fee payments and record keeping — in one place. By automatically checking reporting requirements across 33,000+ jurisdictions in the U.S., Encamp automates EPCRA Tier II compliance reporting from start to finish. Our customers save hundreds of hours, enabling them to spend more time on critical company initiatives like ESG and digital transformation projects."