Part I: Pre-employment



The employee experience starts the very second a candidate applies for an employment opportunity at your company. And as an HR department of 1 – the first impression often falls on you. When’s the last time you reviewed your application process to ensure that there’s a synchronized balance between ease of use and collecting all the necessary information while abiding by state and federal employment law?


Beyond the application process, in today’s ever-changing employment landscape, HR professionals must regularly evaluate employee orientation. Is your orientation program up to date with the latest company policies, workplace safety procedures, remote work policies, etc.?


In the first part of the HR Department of 1 Checklist Workbook Series - we're providing you with the checklist designed to help make pre-employment procedures a breeze. Ensure that all of your pre-employment bases are covered so you can be sure your first impression is a home run!


Download your copy today!


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