2:00 PM Eastern
Passing the baton. Nailing the dismount. Moving from new hire to fully-trained employee. To succeed, all of these actions need the right conditions for a smooth transition. As companies grow and hire new employees, add new software platforms, and bid departing employees farewell, these transitions multiply into a near-constant responsibility—and a liability HR can’t pass along.
Join BambooHR and JumpCloud to explore how you can streamline the transitions in your organization, improve the employee experience, and protect your workplace from legal liability and costly oversights.
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This program has been submitted to the HR Certification Institute® for review. BLR®—Business & Legal Resources is recognized by SHRM to offer SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP professional development credits (PDCs). This program is valid for (1.0) PDCs. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit shrmcertification.org. These credits expire on 12/31/2022.
A Human Resource professional with 10+ years experience in all HR functions. My professional business experience and education have allowed me to make immense contributions in planning and executing HR strategies in support of business goals and objectives. I have utilized my people-oriented skills to develop and promote a positive work environment, professional level of support, build and maintain strong work relationships and drive results.
Chase is a Principal Strategist at JumpCloud, designing authentication strategies and evangelizing customer solutions. He has been working in venture-backed startups across identity, security, integration, and DevOps for the last decade. Chase is a frequent speaker on topics from evangelism, systems, and identity. He's based in Colorado and is a mentor at the University of Colorado at Boulder.
BambooHR is the leading Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) provider of online HR Software for small and medium businesses who want to help their employees and HR department focus on more meaningful work. BambooHR’s cloud-based system is an intuitive, affordable way for growing companies to track and manage essential employee information in a personalized Human Resources Information System (HRIS).