See How Avetta Can Help Improve Your Workplace

As an extension of your team, Avetta assists you in improving safety, streamlining the qualification process, and saving time & money.

Together we design and deploy a configurable contractor management solution unique to your company's needs. Our solution has helped:

  • Lower incident rates at a global chemical manufacturing plant by 74%
  • Increase approved contractors by 300% at an independent natural gas company
  • Save $100,000 a year in administrative expenses at a major Telecommunication company

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Sponsored by Avetta:

Avetta offers a low-cost and secure contractor qualification and monitoring solution that allows you to gather, verify, store and easily manage all of the documents you require from your contractors, vendors, and suppliers. With real-time reporting and a holistic view of your supply chain, we save you time, reduce your contractor management costs, and minimize your risk exposure when hiring third-party vendors. Learn more at