How Fertility Benefits Can Save Your Company Money

Did you know that the right fertility benefits can mean a significant reduction in your company’s healthcare costs? Despite historically being thought of as a cost center, the right fertility benefits can give employers a lever for managing overall healthcare spend and costs associated with reduced employee productivity — while also helping to promote diversity and inclusion.

In this guide, Carrot covers how fertility benefits lower costs both directly and indirectly by:

  • Improving health outcomes 
  • Supporting employee mental health
  • Reducing absenteeism
  • Improving recruitment and retention efforts

Find out how fertility benefits can help your organization start saving today on healthcare costs — download the guide today.

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About our Paper Sponsor, Carrot Fertility, Inc.:

Founded in 2016, Carrot is the only fertility benefit with a global network of highquality clinical providers of reproductive technologies in more than 40 countries and at over 2,700 clinics. Carrot also works with numerous partners to ensure members have access to donor gametes, gestionational carriers, and adoption services. Carrot’s global team includes world-class healthcare operators, engineers, designers, benefits experts, fertility doctors, nurses, and clinicians. Learn more at